“The sand beneath my feet in motion, the clouds above me flee with a tender greeting to their next destination …
…and I am the center of the world for that very moment.”
"I'm telling myself that this beach cannot be of this world and yet I dance tangibly with my bare feet among shells and waves under a bright blue sky....
Sea, beach and horizon merge smoothly and I am in the middle of a wonderful daydream, forgetting everything around me...”

Booking // Just feel Tweed

You want to feel Tweed too?

Nothing could be easier. Simply fill out the online booking form and send it off. Of course, you can also send us an e-mail or call us - we are always at your disposal for questions or information.

Hotel Tweed
Im Bad 65
25826 Sankt Peter-Ording
Phone: +49 4863 9503939
E-Mail: info@hotel-tweed.de

Tweed // Voucher

Tweed - the special gift idea

With our vouchers, you'll be giving your family and friends a great treat. From a surprise weekend to an arrangement for good friends: there's enough tweed feeling for everyone.


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